Wealth Reporting And Controlling

Our focus is on performance and results – we want to work together with you to create added value. Quality, discipline and sustainability are what we rely on to pursue your goals. We will manage your liquid and illiquid assets as transparently as possible. We will reduce complexity for you as far as possible, up to archiving your documentation. Together, we will focus only on what is really important to you.

Our services include:

Wealth reporting

Our reporting includes regular, timely reports on all assets, individual portfolios and the consolidated fortune. The reports will cover deposits and other liquid and illiquid assets. As they are provided regularly, investors can compare the targets with the actual results.


Controlling includes the daily monitoring of investment limits and restrictions of our mandate. We regularly monitor rating and cost compliance by the individual managers. This allows our investors to assess and make use of the results in line with clear criteria.

Financial accounting

At your request, we will establish a financial accounting structure in line with the generally accepted accounting principles on your behalf. This is a useful basis for objective controlling. Moreover, the financial accounting will make it easier for your tax advisors and auditors to draw up and audit the annual financial report.

Reporting and controlling are the two basic components of our services. Financial accounting is optional. It may be helpful if, for example, you invest in partnerships, corporations or foundations.

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